Total number of pages

NotesToPaper can display the total number of pages using two different technologies.



by using a numeric variable "LL.TotalPages"

by using the placeholder "TotalPages$()"



Numeric variable


If this option is activated, then NotesToPaper creates the report in the form of a "two-pass reporting". This means, the first pass counts the number of pages and the second pass creates the actual report.





In order to show the total number of pages in a report as a numeric value, NotesToPaper defines the variable "LL.TotalPages". The variable contains the total number of pages while a report is being executed. The total number of pages is accessible as a numeric value and can thus be included in mathematical calculations.





Note: The variable "LL.TotalPages" is always set. It is however only filled with the "correct" values when the option is activated



Note: Activating the option will always slow the report creation down ("two-pass reporting") and should thus only be activated, when the total number of pages is actually needed as a numeric value





As opposed to the option of using a numeric variable, NotesToPaper displays the total number of pages here by using "one-pass reporting". A placeholder (String) is defined on every page (or on any single page or any number of pages). These are replaced at the end of the report, when the total number of pages has been counted. The advantage is, that NotesToPaper only uses a single report pass, thus reducing the report runtime by half.

