

NotesToPaper (all program modules) can be used with Notes clients and Domino servers versions 6.0 through 8.x. We always test the newest versions of Notes and Domino with the latest version of NotesToPaper. You can request an updated list of compatible versions and releases at any time by contacting


NotesToPaper can be used on the following Microsoft® operating systems: Windows® XP, Windows® 2003, Windows® Vista, Windows® 2008 and Windows® 7.


NotesToPaper is a client-based software, i. e all components of the software have to be available on the computer locally. There is no possibility of a server installation, which can be used by all connected clients. NotesToPaper however is fully functional on a server (e. g. as background agent), the software only has to be installed on the respective server.



Note: Please note that the 32bit and 64bit versions of NotesToPaper have to be licensed separately.


NotesToPaper Client is a 32bit application based on Windows DLLs. NotesToPaper Client can be run on the 32bit versions of the above operating systems and the 32bit versions of the Notes client.


NotesToPaper Client can also be run on the 64bit versions of the above operating systems if it used within a 32bit application (Notes client). It cannot be used in a 64bit application.


There are 32bit and 64bit versions of the NotesToPaper Server. This enables NotesToPaper 4.0 to be used on a 64bit Domino server and on the 64bit versions of the above operating systems.


Following is a table that clarifies which NotesToPaper versions can be used with which operating system and Notes versions:


Windows 32bit

Windows 64bit

NotesToPaper Client

Notes Client 32bit

Yes (NotesToPaper 32bit)

Yes (NotesToPaper 32bit)

Notes Client 64bit



NotesToPaper Server

Domino Server 32bit

Yes (NotesToPaper 32bit)

Yes (NotesToPaper 32bit)

Domino Server 64bit


Yes (NotesToPaper 64bit)


n/a = Notes client or Domino server is not available or cannot be run in the specified environment