NTPSetOption (XLS export)


Below is a description of all options supported by the XLS Export module. These options can be set by the application program with the NTPSetOption function.



Defines the resolution in dpi for graphic generation.

Default: 300dpi.



Specifies the color depth of the generated graphics. 256 colors are usually sufficient for XLS export, and it should be remembered that with a higher color depth the graphic files can very soon become very large.

1 = black-and-white

4 = 16 colors

8 = 256 colors

24 = 24bit True Color

Default:  8



Configures the way in which rectangle objects should be exported.

0 = Ignore object

1 = Object as rectangle

2 = Object as graphic

Default:  1



Configures the way in which bar code objects should be exported.

0 = Ignore object

1 = Object as graphic

Default:  1



Configures the way in which graphic objects should be exported.

0 = Ignore object

1 = Object as graphic

Default:  1



Configures the way in which ellipse objects should be exported.

0 = Ignore object

1 = Object as graphic

Default:  1



Configures the way in which line objects should be exported.

0 = Ignore object

1 = Object as line

2 = Object as graphic

Default:  1



Configures the way in which text objects should be exported.

0 = Ignore object

1 = Object as text object

2 = Object as graphic

Default:  1



Configures the way in which RTF objects should be exported.

0 = Ignore object

1 = Object as normal text without formatting

2 = Object as graphic

Default:  1



Configures the way in which table objects should be exported.

0 = Ignore object

1 = as a complete table object

Default:  1



Configures the way in which LLX objects (OLE, HTML, chart) should be exported.

0 = Ignore object

1 = as graphic

Default:  1



Scaling factor by which font sizes are corrected. This is necessary because the texts in Excel come out rather higher than in normal output.

Default: 89 (=89% font size)



Scaling factor by which the overall project is corrected. This is necessary because in Excel the printer's nonprinting margin is always kept free.


Default: 95 (=95% zoom)



Specifies the title of the XLS document to be generated.

Default: "NotesToPaper XLS Report"



Enables only the data from table cells to be exported.

0 = All objects are exported

1 = Only table cells are exported with their data

Default:  0



Allows group headers and footers to be ignored, if these should not appear in the resulting Excel file. Only effective if  NTPOPTION_XLSEXP_ONLYONETABLE is set.

0 = Group lines are exported

1 = Group lines are ignored

Default:  1



Allows headers and footers to be ignored, if these should not appear in the resulting text file. Only effective if  NTPOPTION_XLSEXP_ONLYONETABLE is set.

0 = Headers and footers are exported

1 = Headers and footers are ignored

Default:  1



Allows line breaks to be ignored. Only effective if  NTPOPTION_XLSEXP_ONLYONETABLE is set.

0 = Line breaks are transferred to Excel

1 = Line breaks are ignored

Default:  1



This can be used to enable/disable automatic formatting of numeric values in the generated Excel file. Only effective if  NTPOPTION_XLSEXP_ONLYONETABLE is set.

0 = No automatic formatting takes place

1 = Numeric values are formatted according to the setting in the Designer under Project > Options

Default:  1



Gives the file name for the XLS document to be generated. If blank, the file selection dialog is displayed.



Gives the path for the XLS document to be generated.



Says whether the export process should be executed with user interaction.

0 = Interactivity/dialogs allowed

1 = There is no file selection dialog (supposing Export.File is set) and no "Overwrite?" inquiry.

Default:  0



Specifies whether, following the export, the application linked to the file extension should automatically be started.

0 = No display of the result

1 = Executes a ShellExecute() on NTPOPTION_XLSEXP_FILE,  so  that  usually  Microsoft  Excel® or similar should be started

Default: 0



Allows a separate worksheet to be created per page in the generated Excel file.

0 = A separate worksheet is created per page

1 = All pages are generated in the same worksheet

Default: 1



Gives the name for the worksheet(s) in the generated Excel file. You can use the format identifier "%d" in the name: it will be replaced at runtime by the page number (e.g. "Report Page %d").