

NTPProcessReportAndAppend ( <ReportHandle>, <AppendToReport>, <ShowPrintSetup>, <ShowStatus>, <ShowHideMessages>, <unUsed> ) -> <ErrorCode>





This command starts the report generation but as opposed to NTPProcessReport or NTPProcessReportExt the report is not output directly. The report is always created and saved as a preview file, disregarding the previously set options. The report is appended to the report created by the <AppendToReport> (report handle) command and shown with the execution of this report.

All necessary settings for this report must be completed before calling this option. After "executing" the report, the report handle created by NTPInit... is only available to certain functions, e.g. NTPExportReport, that access the created preview file.



Note: In order to display a report created by use of this command, the "main report" (to which this report is appended and executed by use of NTPProcessReportExt) has to be executed for display. If the "main report" is not executed, the appended report will not be executed either.



Declaration for Lotus Script


Declare Function NTPProcessReportAndAppend Lib "NTP.DLL" ( ByVal ReportHandle As Long, ByVal AppendToReport As Long, ByVal ShowPrintSetup As Long, ByVal ShowStatus As Long, ByVal ShowHideMessages As Long, unUsed As Long ) As Long





<ReportHandle> (LONG)

Report handle, returned by calling NTPInit or NTPInitFromDatabase.


<AppendToReport> (STRING)

Report handle obtained by calling NTPInit, that is to be appended to the report <ReportHandle>. The execution (e.g. by calling NTPProcessReportExt) of the report <AppendToReport> will display the report.


<ShowPrintSetup > (LONG)

Show printer selection dialogue? Possible values:




<ShowStatus> (LONG)

Show the status bar during the report creation? Possible values:




<ShowHideMessages> (LONG)

Mode for the output of error messages. Possible values:




<unUsed> (LONG)

Reserved for future use, always pass 0.



Return value


<ErrorCode> (LONG)

Number of the error encountered (0 = no error)